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Pneumatic tamping machine is powered by compressed air!

2019-02-28 14:05:09

Pneumatic tamping machine is powered by compressed air, with light weight, strong force and small anti vibration. It is an indispensable tool in foundry, aluminum factory and refractory brick production. It is also suitable for tamping concrete, brick blank and repairing furnace lining. Shenyang tamping machine manufacturers take you to learn more!

Check the hydraulic oil in the oil tank of the tamping machine and fill the hydraulic oil from the oil filler of the oil tank according to the oil gauge. The oil filling amount should be at the center of the upper hole of the oil window. During operation, the oil level shall not be lower than the red line of the lower hole of the oil window.

After each sleeper is tamped, two tamping machines shall lift the pick plate at the same time. It is strictly prohibited to lift the pick plate in the clamped state.

The action shall be rapid, the tamping machine shall be moved while lifting the pick, and a circular arc shall be taken, and the sleeper and parts shall not be collided.

Firstly, lift the pick plate to the high position and push it down with the help of auxiliary personnel. After lowering the track, lower the pick plate to the low position, press all the clamping cylinder pistons into the cylinder barrel, and fix the tamping machine.

Since the driving part of the tamping machine rotates at high speed, it is forbidden to approach it by hand or body, and the fastening of the rotating part shall be checked regularly.

If the single side approach is used, it is forbidden to get off at the middle section of the double track.

Before finishing work, the tamping machine shall be maintained and rubbed, and bound firmly.

The advantage of tamping coking process is to increase the blending amount of weak caking coal by increasing the bulk density of charging coal, expand coal source and save coking coal resources on the basis of ensuring coke quality. Compared with the top loading coking process, the tamping coking process pays more attention to the lithofacies composition of the blended coal, and the fineness and moisture of the blended coal should be strictly controlled. At the same time, it increases the difficulty of coke oven mechanical equipment and coke oven production management and the pressure of coke oven environmental protection.


Website of this article:https://en.sylbjx.com/news/420.html
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